Welcome to Journey Report. Your number one travel website. Here you can find information about travelling, destinations, hotels and restaurants plus tips about things to do all over the world. You can also send an email to us if you have journey question. Click here to to ask a question. Don't miss our section of questions and answers that can be found under questions and answers Follow our team on their holiday in the holiday blogg uppdated oct 21 Question of the week: Question: I’m going to Thailand in April next year and am possibly wanting to take a short trip to Cambodia. So I am wondering if I need a visa to go there from Thailand. If so, is it something that I can fix at the border? Answer: If you go to Cambodia you will need a visa. It’s possible to fix the visa at the border if you arrive at any of the official border checkpoints. The visa is valid for 30 days and costs $20. Newest article: Five tips for your second New York visit and new fun facts posted
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